Wednesday, February 13, 2013

First Draft Chapter One

The Basic Knowledge of Running
And its
Different Benefits and Motivations

A Research Paper Presented to
Mr. Dustin Celestino of the English Resource Center
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
RESWRIT-Research Writing

Irwin B. Ricardo
February 2013

A.      Background of the Study

Running is a means of terrestrial locomotion allowing humans and other animals to move rapidly on foot. It is simply defined in athletics terms as a gait in which at regular points during the running cycle both feet are off the ground. The psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi might describe the experience of running as "flow," the state of mind in which you are fully immersed in what you are doing.

Documents about ancient history reveals that early human ancestors use running to hunt their prey or to survive and escape predators, while other ancestors use running as a mean to compete with each other and eventually makes running into a sports. Thousands of years ago, hunters and gatherers like the Tarahumara Indians in Mexico ran fifteen to seventy five miles a day to hunt and gather resources. ( Running as a sport was associated to the Greek messenger named Pheidippides, who have rushed from the scene of the fighting back to the city of Athens to announce the victory over the Persians. (  During plans for the 1896 Olympics, the first modern Games, organizers wanted an event to celebrate Greek history. Greek runner Spiridon Louis won the race—winning Greece’s only gold medal of the Games—and the local excitement over the race ensured that it would be included in later Olympic Games. (

In recent years, running becomes one of the trendiest fitness activities of people all over the world. The main reason people run is because of the health benefits it provides. Some of the health benefits of running are healthy heart, battling Osteoporosis, a stronger immune system and to burn unwanted fats to name some.  ( Running is a strong outlet to support and live a low stress life. It also provides the health awareness to live a healthy lifestyle. Running changes the lifestyle of people in terms of fitness and well being, running provides a better outlook of a healthy future than those who do not run. Studies show that runners find it easier to sleep at night rather than those who do not run.

The popularity of running worldwide leads to the increasing growth of runners in different age groups. Running can be classified as Casual Running, Treadmill Running, Racing/Competition Running and Trail Running.  Most runners participate in one or some of these running types.  These runners have their own reasons and motivation to start running. Multimedia affects the awareness of people towards running. The Olympics was televised worldwide and Earth/nature awareness runs or marathons are covered by various multimedia outlets. With this much awareness it is not impossible to invite people to run.

Whether people choose to run for health purposes, to make friends or just because running can make people feel good, the fact is that running is a good thing. With the many mental, physical and health benefits of running it is the personal preference of the runner to choose his or her motivation.
This research paper focuses on the different benefits of running, the motivations needed by people to run and how media affects the people to run.

B.      Statement of the Problem

This research aims to answer the questions:

1.       What are the different benefits of running?
2.       What motivates people to run?
3.       Do media affect people to run?

C.      Significance of the Study

Future Runners or Beginners
This research would able to orient future runners as well as the beginners for the basic ideas about running and its benefits. This research expects to encourage future runners to be a fan of the sports and inform them about the possible benefits they will acquire. This research should help distinguish the potential motivations needed for the beginners to get into running.

Casual Runners or Running Aficionados
This research will educate the casual runners about the different benefits they possibly will obtain in running. The running aficionados can further educate themselves about the benefits of running. Familiarity with this research may motivate them to train harder and become athletes in the future.
This research will help the athletes to further increase their knowledge about the motivations and benefits of running. Athletes have the highest knowledge about running; these athletes are the idols of those people who run. As role models, athletes can help impart the information to their fans about the different motivation and benefits of running. Athletes would benefit from this research because it will help them correct their routine.

Running Instructors and P.E. Teachers
This research will assist running instructors and P.E. teachers concerning the fundamentals of running and impart that knowledge to their students. This research provides information to educate the instructors and teachers about the benefits of running.

Future Researchers
This research can help future researchers as a potential reference due to the given information of this study about running.

D.       Scope and Delimitation
Running is now one of trendiest fitness activities; this research covers the basic knowledge about running and the different motivation and benefits running can provide. This research will also tackle about the connection of multimedia enticing new and casual runners into running.

The research does not cover any other fitness activities or sports not related to running. The surveys and interviews will be conducted in the Philippines only.

E.       Materials and Methods
The information used in this research was based on internet articles which are related to running. The researcher intention is to inform the readers about the fundamentals of running as well as its motivations and benefits.

Surveys and interviews will be conducted to random people with or without experience in running. This is to support relevant and related information about the rise of popularity of running and its awareness to the people.

F.       Definition of Terms

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Running: Forest Gump Style

Whenever a person feels scared or uncomfortable, the first inclination is to walk away or run away. A frightened person’s tendency is to get away from the threat. Running is the easiest way to escape incoming danger. A high school friend once asks me if what I will do if I encounter bullies or robbers while I am on my way home. With a grin in my face I answered, “First I will hold my bag tightly, loosen my polo shirt (uniform) so I can swing my arms comfortably look at my enemies, turn around, and clinch my fist and…. run away from the enemies!” My friend laughed at me and says that my decisions are “gayish” and very cowardly. Maybe for him it’s a cowardly act to run, but for me it’s a wise choice.  Every one of us gets bullied once in our life directly or indirectly. Even those who bullies other persons were bullied in their past. With this, I ask myself, “Is it okay to run?”

As a multimedia student, it is required to watch films, read books and play games for the students to be oriented to the world of multimedia. In search of possible films that includes running I stumble upon the movie Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump is a 1994 American epic romantic comedy-drama film based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Winston Groom. According to the plot of this movie, Forrest is a low I.Q. man who uses his “running” skills to have an epic life adventure and touch the lives of those people he met. Forrest receives a scholarship in the University of Alabama as a football player, become a war veteran who saves his wounded allies by running back and forth the war field, ran across America  and start the whole running craze in the seventies even though Forrest only run because he was only heartbroken.

"Run, Forrest run!"
There are two remarkable scenes in the movie that are very iconic and heartwarming. The first scene is when Forrest Gump was being chased by a group of bullies. As a child Forest wears leg braces, he is ridiculed by bullies. In this scene he was chased by the bullies, the infamous line by Jenny, “Run, Forrest run!” as Forrest hear Jenny’s cry Forrest runs as fast as he could. Eventually the braces fall off and Forrest was now free. The other scene was when Forrest got heartbroken, he run to be occupied and to forget his problem. This started a three year marathon across America,
 make Forrest a celebrity and draw a lot of followers.

"I just felt like running"
Newsman: Sir, why are you running?
1st Reporter: Why are you running?
2nd Reporter: Are you doing this for world peace?
3rd Reporter: Are you doing this for women's rights?
Newsman: Or for the environment?
Reporter: Or for animals?
3rd Reporter: Or for nuclear arms?
2nd Reporter: Why are you doing this?
Forrest Gump: I just felt like running.

Forrest Gump runs for several reasons; to escape from bullies, to have a college scholarship, to help save his wounded allies and to forget about his problems. To answer my question, “Is it ok to run?” I can now say that it is a wise decision on my part to avoid trouble. If I stay and engage in a fist fight with those bullies I know it will be more complicated. Like what Forrest Gump did, he run away because he knew that fighting and being aggressive will make his life more difficult. As an old idiom says, do not put fuel to the fire.

People who are afraid to run are like Forrest Gump in a way, these people need a little push to start running. An inspiration or maybe a purpose to keep on going. When Forrest Gump loses his leg braces, it opens a whole new world for him, an adventure that he can talk about with random people in a bus stop. Running is like having freedom, an escape from stress and other ambiguities in life. Some people does not need a deep reason to run, they just felt like running. But for others running must a have a purpose and objective. In conclusion, it does not matter who you are, where you from it is a matter of a personal preference. Running can help people achieve their dreams, running can also be a start of self awareness, running is a repetitive activity that has beneficial effect on someone’s’ mind and body.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Rules of Running

The Rules of Running

"The clearest way to show what the rule of law means to us in everyday life is to recall what has happened when there is no rule of law."

- Dwight D. Eisenhower

All members of the society follow the rules and laws; a rule  is an authoritative statement of what to do or not to do in a specific situation, issued by an appropriate person or body. Another meaning of rule is a special category of law written by state agencies to support, clarify, or implement specific laws enacted by the legislature. A state or institution has a set of rules to govern its people, without any rules or laws state or institution possibly will be in chaos.

In the Philippines, the government created rules and laws to be followed. These rules and laws ensure the Filipinos’ equality, security and protection. People follow rules in school, rules in the office, traffic rules, and the list goes on. Here in Asia Pacific College, the first book a student will encounter is the APC Student’s Handbook. In this handbooks are the rules and regulations of the school and are implemented by the Administrators, Guidance Councilor, Faculty Members and the Security Guards, the school administration encourage the students to follow these rules written in the student’s handbook.

Runners are prone to accidents while running outdoors. compiles a few basic rules while running outdoors; this is to ensure the runner safety and protection while performing the exercise.

  • Don't wear headsets. Leave your iPod at  home, it is much suitable to run without any earphones to be aware of the surrounding and to avoid any accidents like being hit by a car.
  • Run against traffic. Running against traffic can save lives, runner can see the incoming traffic and stay away from approaching vehicles.
  • If you run at night, make yourself visible. Some people chooses to run at night, it may be a personal preference but most of these people works during the day. It is best to equip reflectors or blinking lights to avoid any accidents.
  • Don't challenge cars to a race. Men likes challenges, these people compete for a sense of fulfillment and to be happy. But racing a car is not a wise choice for runners. There is no way a runner can outrun a car.
  • Beware of stopped cars waiting to make a right turn. A driver's vision inside a car is very limited and it is possible that a runner can be hit by a car when turning. It is best for a runner to keep away from vehicles and be aware of stationary cars.
  • Run with others. People run because they want to meet other people or socializing with others. Being in a group, people enjoy running together and it is safer to run with a group than running alone.
  • Avoid running alone in unpopulated, unfamiliar areas and stay away from trails surrounded by heavy bushRunners should avoid this places, it is possible that a runner can be attacked by wild animals or being mugged by robbers.
  • Do not wear jewelry. Runners risks to lose their jewelries and backtracking to find it, it is also a bad idea to bring large amount of money when running. A runner is advised to write his/her identification inside the sole of his shoes in case of emergency.
  • Always trust your intuition. A runner must avoid a stranger running with him if he suspect something unusual or going to a place not familiar.
  • Carry a noisemaker or get training in self-defense and the use of pepper spray. It is best to have protection while running especially when alone.
  • Don't stop to give directions to strangers in cars if you are running alone. Do not entertain strangers. If giving directions to a person inside a car, the runner must stay atleast two feet from the door.

In conclusion runners must observe the simple rules as the citizens follow the rules and laws of the government. These rules were made for the benefits of a runner to be safe and protected all the times while running. With these rules in mind, accidents while running can be lessen or avoided. 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Why do people run?

Why do people run?

Have you ever wondered why do people run? What is running? What are the reasons people run? Are there any benefits in running? These are the questions I need to know the answers.

Upon looking for answers about running, I came across the definition of running in the online dictionary of Merriam-Webster.  To run is to go faster than a walk; specificallyto go steadily by springing steps so that both feet leave the ground for an instant in each step. What is the difference of walking, jogging and running? To walk is to move along on footadvance by steps  while to jog is to run or ride at a slow trot . In walking, one foot is always on the ground, jogging is a slow form of running and running is to increase speed from jogging
When people were asked the reasons why do they run, their answer were more on the benefits of running, for awareness and to feel better. A poll was asked in about the reasons why people run and here are some of their guests’ answers:

 “I run because I need to feel better about myself, and running brings me to a mental level I never dreamed I'd reach. Though I am an out-of-shape running newbie, the challenge of fighting for that last breath to go that last mile is just the fight I needed after deep bouts of depression and self-loathing. I run to love myself again.”

“I looked at myself in the mirror one morning and I hated how I looked. I was drinking almost every day and over a year’s time I gained 30 lbs, while I lost custody of my child and the love of my life. I knew I was eating and drinking my problems away instead of facing them straight on. Now I'm running to stay healthy both emotionally and physically. The weight is coming off and I notice a huge difference in myself confidence. I can honestly say instead of running away from problems I run to face my trials and tribulations. I'm not afraid anymore and one day I know I'll be ready for the big fight. Giving up alcohol and making the choice to get a gym membership was the best decision I have made in years.”

You can find more answers here

People run for the benefits running can offer; health benefits, to lose weight and to socialize, in this article  you can read the benefits written by Christine Luff .

Health benefits of running. This is mostly the reason people run. In the article I read, running is one the best aerobic exercises for physical conditioning of your heart and lungs, which can lower the chance in acquiring common sickness, various cancers and heart attack. This article states that, people who run and exercise regularly is “generally happier than those who don't. As a runner, you'll likely feel more energetic and creative.” Also this article states that, Running helps you improve your fitness and stamina. As a weight-bearing exercise, running also increases bone density, which can fend off osteoporosis.”

Running to lose weight. People who wants to lose weight choose to run, running is the easiest and the most convenient way to lose weight. In running, people can burn calories and unwanted fat faster than dieting. According to this article, “Running burns about 100 calories per mile for a 150-pound person. Because running also builds muscle mass, your resting metabolism will increase, which means that you'll burn more calories at rest.” Running and proper eating habits can ensure losing weight in a minimal time possible.

Socializing while running. People usually run to meet acquaintances and to be part of the running communities, in this way people can socialize with different people while running. This article states that, “Running clubs and charity training groups give people the opportunity to meet and train with other people. Some runners participate in local events or travel to race destinations with their running buddies.” Running with a partner or a group can make this exercise more trouble-free and less of a hard work because meeting other people with the same goal makes running more fun.

In conclusion, people run for the benefits running can provide. In every way running can help boost self esteem, to be in a group and find new acquaintances, and to live a healthy and a better life. Before starting to run, it is advisable to contact your doctor and ask for a medical certificate that you are clear and capable of running. It is never too late to start running. Run today to experience the benefits of running and understand why people do run. Put your running shoes on and burn up those calories!