Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Food Marketing: One of the reasons of eating unhealthy

Food Marketing: One of the reasons of eating unhealthy

Whenever children see the big yellow “M” in a red background it is automatic to say that it is McDonalds. Whenever children see an old man smiling in red and white with KFC in bold letters, children know that it is Colonel Sanders from Kentucky Fried Chicken. What is the impact of these logos to the children? Why is it simple for them to distinguish or remember these logos from others? The answer is quite simple; it is because the logos came from fast food chains.

In an online article written by Baylen Linnekin trumpet a dubious link between obese youngsters and the logos of food companies. This study shows the different opinions of researchers how the food companies affect the consciousness of the society about fast food products just by looking on their logos. It stimulates the appetite of the consumers even though the consumers are not hungry and can lead to consuming unnecessary intake of food which leads to eating unhealthy living and obesity.

According to the researchers of University of Missouri in Kansas City, “Kids recognize the McDonald’s logo better than they do the FedEx logo. Kids are slightly more drawn to the former than to the latter. Obese kids are more drawn to the former than are healthy weight kids. These results are not patently obvious and have important policy implications.”

When people usually kids see these food companies’ logos it is easier to be remembered because of the food. It is much easier to remember food logos rather than logos from other companies which are not related to food.

A reporter for Medical Daily named Makini Brice wrote that, “When showed images of fast food companies, the parts of the brain that control pleasure and appetite lit up. The brains did not do the same when showed images from companies not associated with food.” Other researchers claim kids rate logos of food companies like McDonald’s more “exciting” and “happier” than logos of non-food companies like BMW.

Multimedia help boosts the sale of food products via commercials and print ads. It assists the spread of awareness and knowledge about the companies as well as their food products that is why it is effortless to reach the minds of the people, majority of these are children. Multimedia enhances the appearance and presentation of the food products that tends to increase the appetite of the viewers. With this factors consumers buys without knowing the nutrition facts of the product but because of the effects of the commercials provided by the marketing strategies. Without knowing the food content, people are very vulnerable to eat unhealthy foods and become obese.

Most children prefer to eat from fast food companies due to its affordable prices and because the children see adults usually their parents eating the same food unknowingly the nutrition these fast food companies offers. Kids are more drawn to eat a McDonald's Hamburger rather than a healthier hamburger without the McDonald's Logo on it. For some fast food products are more appealing to eat than the foods that were cooked at home. Experts have cited food marketing as one of the contributors to the recent rise in childhood obesity.

It is true that fast food companies’ marketing strategies through the use of multimedia can be responsible for the not so nutritious food that can cause obesity to children as well as adults; it is the choice of the consumer to choose what he or she will eat. Obesity of people cannot fully blame the marketing of these companies, food logos are just tools to be remembered. People must educate themselves and be aware of what they eat to live a healthy life.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15 Jan 13 The start of making my blog.

Today, the 15th of January 2013, I will start to make a blog. Honestly, I do not know how or where to start. I am new to this thing ha ha ha. I like reading other blogs but now I am lost and I do not know what topic/subject i will talk about. So please understand that I am still learning how to write a blog, any comments, suggestions and criticism will surely help me in a way or another.

So, what is a blog?

According to Wikipedia,  blog (a portmanteau of the term web log)[1] is a discussion or informational site published on the World Wide Web and consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order (the most recent post appears first). Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries; others function more as online brand advertising of a particular individual or company. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important contribution to the popularity of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (art blogs), photographs (photoblogs), videos (video blogs or "vlogs"), music (MP3 blogs), and audio (podcasts). Microblogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts. In education, blogs can be used as instructional resources. These blogs are referred to as edublogs.

I am a bit uncertain of my subjects, I thought that making a blog was easy, apparently it is not. Please give a little more time to learn this and absorb the basics.

Hopefully I will write something every now and then, but I will try to write everyday but for now I will need to brainstorm about my topic.


Let me welcome you , my viewer to my blog: North of Nowhere, South of Somewhere.