Friday, April 12, 2013

Final Draft Barefoot Running Research Paper: The Basic Knowledge of Barefoot Running and its Potential Benefits and Harms

The Basic Knowledge of Barefoot Running
and its
Potential Benefits and Harms

A Research Paper Presented to
Mr. Dustin Celestino of the English Resource Center
Asia Pacific College
Magallanes, Makati

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Course
RESWRIT-Research Writing

Irwin B. Ricardo
April 2013

A.    Background of the Study

Running is a means of terrestrial locomotion allowing humans and other animals to move rapidly on foot. It is simply defined in athletics terms as a gait in which at regular points during the running cycle both feet are off the ground.

The psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi might describe the experience of running as "flow", the state of mind in which you are fully immersed in what you are doing.
In recent years, running becomes one of the trendiest fitness activities of people all over the world. The main reason people run is because of the health benefits it provides.  There are many benefits running can provide.
According to the online article titled “Benefits of Running” written by Christine Luff. Luff states the health benefits of running.

“Studies have shown the health benefits of running to be tremendous, reducing your chances of everything from the common cold to cancer. Running is among the best aerobic exercises for physical conditioning of your heart and lungs. It helps ensure the efficient flow of blood and oxygen throughout the body, things that are proven to help to decrease the risk of a heart attack.

Running helps you improve your fitness and stamina. As a weight-bearing exercise, running also increases bone density, which can fend off osteoporosis.”

Also Luff write that running is an activity that combats stress and depression of people.

“Running -- like other types of exercise -- is a great stress-reliever and may even relieve mild depression. Research shows that healthy adults who exercise regularly are generally happier than those who don't. As a runner, you'll likely feel more energetic and creative.”
Running is a strong outlet to support and live a low stress life. It also provides the health awareness to live a healthy lifestyle. Running changes the lifestyle of people in terms of fitness and well being, running provides a better outlook of a healthy future than those who do not run. Studies show that runners find it easier to sleep at night rather than those who do not run.

The popularity of running worldwide leads to the increasing growth of runners in different age groups. There is a new trend in running that focuses in the naturalist and minimalist approach. When talking about naturalist approach in running, it means to run barefoot while the minimalist approach in running deals in running using minimal footwear. This new trend in running is called Barefoot Running.

Mark Stibich, Ph.D. wrote the online article “What Is Barefoot Running and Is Barefoot Running Healthy?” in this article Stibich states the definition of Barefoot Running.

Barefoot running is running in barefoot (simple enough) or in running shoes with minimal support.”

In spite of the rising popularity of Barefoot Running, only a minimal number of runners switch or attempt to run barefoot or with minimalist running shoes. Many people who claim running barefoot can help increase running efficiency and lessen running related injuries, others remain skeptical whether to attempt or switch to barefoot running from their conventional running style.

Stibich states that Barefoot running can help lessen the risks of injuries and correct the mistakes in running.
When you run barefoot (or in minimal shoes), you feel everything. You quickly learn to adjust your stride for optimal shock absorption, which in turn protects your whole body.
The typical barefoot runner is a person who has been running for years and has injuries and is willing to try anything. After a few weeks of barefoot running, injuries often disappear. This is because running barefoot will naturally correct errors in stride that cause the injuries by the first place.”
Barefoot Running can provide many benefits especially in increasing the performance of the runner and help lessen the impact of injuries related in running. With the increasing popularity of Barefoot Running can be considered as an alternative method in running and it can provide a more effective run than running with regular running shoes.

This research paper focuses on the basic knowledge about Barefoot running and its potential benefits and harms.

B.    Statement of the Problem

This research aims to answer the questions:
1.       What is Barefoot Running or minimalist running?
2.       What are the potential benefits and harms from running barefoot?

C.     Significance of the Study

Future and Casual Runners

This research paper can help and raise awareness about barefoot running. It will show the potential benefits barefoot running can provide as well as its potential harms. In this way runners can have an alternative style in running besides the more conventional style of running which uses padded footwear. This can also provide a general idea to future runners who want to start running in barefoot as well as casual runners who wish to switch into barefoot running.
                Running Instructors and P.E. Teachers

This research paper can help Running instructors as well as P.E. teachers provide the knowledge about the increase in efficiency in running while in barefoot or minimalist footwear compared to those who run using typical running shoes. This research paper can provide an overview about Barefoot Running and how it can be a possible alternative program


This research paper will give knowledge and vital idea about running barefoot and the use of minimalistic footwear to athletes specializing in running in which  can help increase their efficiency while running and lessen the amount of injuries  during running and training. This research also encourage athletes to try barefoot running as an alternative training method and compare the results between running barefoot and their conventional training/running style.

                Future Researchers

This research can help future researchers as a potential reference due to the given information of this study about barefoot running or the use of minimalistic foot wear. This research can also provide an overview of the benefits and harm a runner can get when running barefoot.

D.    Scope and Delimitation

Barefoot Running is a type of running which is gaining popularity in recent years, this type of running is unconventional and unorthodox to new and old runners; this research covers the basic knowledge about Barefoot Running. Also this research will also include the potential benefits and harms in running barefoot or running using minimal footwear.

This research will only focus on Barefoot Running and minimalist running other running types will not be discussed.  Surveys and interviews will not be used in this research due to time constraints.

E.     Materials and Methods

The information used in this research was based on internet articles which are related to Barefoot Running. The researcher intention is to inform the readers about the fundamental knowledge of Barefoot Running as well as the potential benefits of Barefoot Running and its harms.

This research will use studies about Barefoot Running found in the internet written by experts in barefoot running.

F.   Definition of Terms

Barefoot Running
is to run naturally, without any kind of protection or foot wear; to run barefooted

Minimalist Running
is to run using  thin soled shoes with minimal padding, lacks high cushioned heels, stiff soles and arch support; to run almost barefoot with minimal footwear

Shod Running
is to run with modern running or athletic shoes characterized by a softer midsole, elevated heel, and potentially some form of “motion” control type devices

Foot strike
                the action of the foot striking the ground when walking or running

Heel or Rear Foot Strike
the action at which the heel of the foot or shoe first makes contact with the surface, 
causes more impact to the legs

Mid Foot Strike
                the action at which the heel and ball land simultaneously with the surface

Forefoot Strike
the action at which the ball of the foot (forefoot) lands first before the heel comes down , distributes the impact to the legs evenly

Human Gait
the way locomotion is achieved using human limbs. Human gait is defined as bipedal, biphasic forward propulsion of center of gravity of human body, in which there is alternate sinuous movements of different segments of the body with least expenditure of energy

Chapter 2

What is Barefoot Running and what are the potential benefits and harms?

I.       Definition of Barefoot Running

Barefoot running is to run naturally and or using minimal/thin soled footwear while running.

Barefoot running can increase the effectiveness of the runner, develops foot biomechanics and lessen the possibility of getting injured.

In the online article “Barefoot Running - The Pros and Cons of Going Shoeless” written by Elizabeth Quinn, according to Quinn supporters of Barefoot running claim that running barefoot can increase the performance of a runner.
“Advocates claim that running barefoot improves foot biomechanics and reduces injury risk. And while studies have found that running efficiency increases by 4% while running barefoot, there is still a lack of well-designed studies comparing the incidence of injuries in runners wearing shoes with those running barefoot.”
Arguments and debates about running barefoot or with minimalist foot wear against running in the conventional running shoes surface with the different experts in running.

Quinn wrote the argument of experts that supports Barefoot running. In this argument, experts say that running with running shoes can be a hazard for the runners.
“Some experts agree with the shoeless runners; wearing shoes causes the small muscles in our feet to weaken and the tendons, ligaments and natural arches to stop doing their job. They believe that the result of supportive shoe inserts, orthotics and extra cushioning is poor foot biomechanics and increased risk of foot, leg and knee injuries.”
In defense in running using the conventional running shoes, Quinn wrote that experts that supports running in running shoes can also help the runners.

“Other experts argue that the right shoes can, in fact, correct biomechanical problems and help reduce injury risk.”
The right running shoes will make or break a runner. It is true that the correct or suitable running shoes can help prevent muscle strains, avoid injuries and correct biomechanical problems of the lower body. It is easy to recommend running barefoot or with minimal footwear if a runner is not sure of the running shoes he or she is wearing to reduce the risk of getting injured.

Quinn lists the potential benefits and harms of Barefoot running.

The Potential Benefits of Barefoot Running

  • ·         You may develop a more natural gait and strengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the foot.
  • ·         Removing the heel lift of most shoes helps the Achilles tendon and calf muscle stretch and lengthens and may reduce injuries, such as calf pulls or Achillies tendinitis caused by short, tight tissues.
  • ·         Runners will learn to land on the forefoot rather than the heel. The heel strike during running only came about because of the excessive padding of running shoes, but research shows this isn't the most effective natural running stride. Landing on the heel is essentially putting on the breaks every step. The most efficient runners land on the midfoot and keep their strides smooth, light and flowing. Landing on the forefoot also allows your arches to act as natural shock absorbers.
  • ·         You may improve balance and proprioception. Without shoes, you activate the smaller muscles in your feet, ankles, legs, and hips that are responsible for better balance and coordination.
  • ·         You may feel more grounded. Being barefoot helps you improve balance, but it also helps you stay grounded and connected with your environment. You'll learn to spread your toes and expand your foot while it becomes a more solid and connected base that supports all your movements.
The Potential Harms of Barefoot Running

  • ·         Little Foot Protection
Shoes offer a significant amount of protection from road debris such as glass, nails, rocks and thorns. They also offer insulation in cold weather and protect us from frostbite in ice and snow.

  • ·         May Increase Achilles Tendinitis and Calf Strain
Most of us aren't used to going barefoot, so a minimalist shoe will be a shock to our feet and our muscles will initially feel overworked. In some people, this may even lead to injuries such as Achilles tendinitis or calf strain when the typical heel lift is removed from the shoes.

  • ·         May Increase Plantar Pain
The bottom of the feet (plantar surface) for most people is soft and tender. Going without a stiff-soled shoe may initially cause plantar pain, or in those susceptible, increase the risk of plantar fasciitis.

  • ·         Get Ready for Blisters
Almost everyone who switches to a minimal shoe or starts going shoeless will find themselves battling blisters for the first few weeks until calluses are formed.

  • ·         You Will Look Strange
Face it: People will notice, and they may stare.

Knowing the potential benefits and harms of barefoot running can provide an overview of what to expect when starting to run barefoot or with minimal footwear. An adjustment period will be needed if a runner switches to barefoot running from his or her accustomed style of running

II.        The Rising Popularity of Barefoot Running

Barefoot running can be shown in documents in ancient history. Documents about ancient history reveal that early human ancestors run in barefoot to hunt their prey or to survive and escape predators.

Online author Richard Weil, MEd, CDE wrote the online article “Running: What’s the history of running?”, the article gives an overview about the history of running.

According to Weil, ancient people run to hunt.
“Ten thousand years ago, hunter-gatherers like the Tarahumara Indians in Mexico, ran 15-75 miles a day on the hunt.”

Other ancestors use running as a mean to compete with each other and eventually makes running into a modern day sports event.

The article of Weil’s also states that the Marathon came from the Myth of Pheidippides.

“But it was Pheidippides (490 BC), an ancient "day-runner," who put running on the map. Pheidippides is purported to have run 149 miles to carry the news of the Persian landing at Marathon to Sparta in order to enlist help for the battle and was the genesis of the modern marathon.

It was the first running of the marathon (26 miles 385 yard) in the modern Olympic Games of 1896 in Athens that commemorated Pheidippides' historic run.”

Another aticle about Pheidippides was written by C.J. Schexnayder, the articles name is “Pheidippides: The Man Who Ran the First Marathon”

Schexnayder tells the story of Pheidippedes which is now associated to the Olympic sports event called Marathon.

“For runners, the Battle of Marathon is indelibly associated with Pheidippides. This Greek soldier/messenger is said to have rushed from the scene of the fighting back to the city of Athens to announce the victory over the Persians -- a distance of about 25 or so miles depending on which route you take.”
                        (                           the-first-marathon)

These documents shows that ancient people like Tarahumara Indians run barefoot to hunt and survive while Greek messenger Pheidippides runs barefoot or with minimal foot wear to seek help/deliver the news of victory.

The most famous and notable Barefoot running victory in the Olympic Marathon was the victory of Abebe Bikilia of Eothopia. The Gold medal win of Bikilia started the popularity of Barefoot running among runners and running enthusiasts.

The article “A Brief History of Barefoot Running” written by Roger Robinson states that the win of Bikilia initiates the popularity of Barefoot running.

“The African was Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia. His bare feet skimmed over the hot streets of Rome that night to give him the Olympic gold medal in a world-record 2:15:16.2.

Bikila's gold medal in Rome is the most famous barefoot victory in modern running history, but far from the only one. Bare feet were not invented in 2009, and have been the footwear of choice for many top and other runners long before the current fashion.”
                Barefoot running is considered to be a winning strategy by runners from the past to the present.

Robinson also stated that Barefoot running and the use of minimalist foot wear when running is preferred strategy by winning runners.

            “Minimalist shoes and barefoot running has been a strategy of champions for decades.”

People evolve to run and before the mid 1970’s most of the people can run in either no shoes/barefoot or with minimal footwear like sandals and thin soled running flats.

In the online article “Running Before the Modern Running Shoe” written by Daniel Lieberman, running barefoot or with minimalist running shoes are required for a safer run.
“Many people think modern running shoes are necessary in order to run safely and comfortably, but they were invented only in the 1970s. Before then, running shoes were just simple running flats that had little cushioning, no arch support, and no built-up heel.”
Barefoot running is well suited in running longer distances without the use of expensive running shoes with heavy cushions and elevated heals for support. 

In the same article by Lieberman, Lieberman stated that Barefoot running is considered to be the best style of running in the past before the modern day running shoes were invented.
“Humans were running for millions of years, apparently safely, in running flats, in thin  sandals or mocassins, or in no shoes at all.”

In the Philippines Barefoot running is slowly gaining in popularity. Once in a while, runners can be seen running with minimal footwear and running barefoot in marathons or wearing minimal footwear to protect their feet from the heat and against objects that can cause blisters.

 This subculture of runners has their own Facebook page called Barefoot Running Philippines.

This Facebook page becomes the place where people running barefoot meet and discuss Barefoot Running; providing information about Barefoot Running and making it accessible to fellow runners as well as making Barefoot Running more popular in the Philippines.
Filipino runners are welcome to join this community to share insights and learn how to run in barefoot or with minimal footwear.

III.       Studies about Barefoot Running

                Barefoot Running Versus Shod Running
To understand the difference of Barefoot Running or Minimalist Running from Shod Running is to define their meanings.

Barefoot and Minimalist Running is to run in a more natural way using minimal footwear as protection or simply running barefoot. While Shod Running is to run with modern day running shoes with softer midsole and elevated heels which offer stability and protection to the foot.

When talking about the mechanics of which is better, it is a must to consider the different patterns of Foot Strikes while running. Runners who run barefoot or shod must know their foot strike pattern when in contact with the ground. There are three types of Foot Strikes; Heel or Rear Foot Strike, Mid Foot Strike and Forefoot Strike.

Barefoot runners are more inclined in using Forefoot strike when running unlike Shod runners who uses Heel Foot Strike.

According to the online article “Forefoot vs Heel Striking” written by Nick Del Boccio, runners have different foot strikes when running.

We wondered how runners coped with the impact caused by the foot colliding with the ground before the invention of the modern shoe.

 Here we show that habitually barefoot endurance runners often land on the fore-foot (fore-foot strike) before bringing down the heel, but they sometimes land with a flat foot (mid-foot strike) or, less often, on the heel (rear-foot strike).

In contrast, habitually shod runners mostly rear-foot strike, facilitated by the elevated and cushioned heel of the modern running shoe. Kinematic and kinetic analyses show that even on hard surfaces, barefoot runners who fore-foot strike generate smaller collision forces than shod rear-foot strikers.”

                The image below will show the different foot strikes of a runner.

A.     Shod running and Heel Strike

                                                Image 1.1 Heel strike: Running shoes

                                                 Image 1.2 Heel Strike: Barefoot

      Images from:

The images show the impact of heel strike while running barefoot and with running shoes. It can be seen that there is an amount of impact when heel striking. More impact can be seen in the Barefoot Heel striking (Image 1.2), it can be said that heel striking during barefoot is more prone to muscle strain and injuries. Less impact can be seen in Shod Heel striking because of the added protection and cushioning that absorbs the impact of heel running.

                Most of the time, Shod runners Heel strikes.
According to the online article “Modern Running Shoes & Heel Striking” by Daniel Lieberman et al, most Shod runners runs using the heel strike.

Lieberman et al says that Shod runners most often uses Heel strikes when running because of the possible benefits it provides.

Potential Benefits of Shod Running according to Lieberman

  •             Comfortable to run – the cushioning in the rear foot area absorbs the impact of running. The   running shoes reduces the impact to the ground by 10% and allocates the impact force over the majority of the rear foot that makes heel strike comfortable

  • ·         Stability - the running shoe intend to prevent too much movement such as pronation (The outside part of the heel makes initial contact with the ground.) This ensures the runners feel of stability in modern shoes.

  • ·         Thicker rear foot cushioning than forefoot cushioning -the high heel makes it easier to heel strike because the sole below the heel is typically about twice as thick as the sole below the forefoot. So if your foot would tend to land flat when barefoot, it will land on the heel when in a shoe.

Shod running is more prone to injuries.

Lieberman also states that heel strikes by Shod runners have higher chance of injuries due to the impact of the heel when hitting the ground.

“Many people like to run this way and do so without injury. But some runners get repetitive stress injuries each year (estimates vary from 30-75%) and one hypothesis is that heel striking contributes to some of these injuries.”

A common question of runners: Why heel striking is bad?

James Rat, the author of the online article “If You Must Run with Scissors” states his knowledge on the topic: Why heel striking is bad?

Rat wrote:
“High impact causes a sudden halt to the lower leg, generating force throughout the bone, ending in the knees. Over time, the quality of your excruciate the ligaments. The bands that support your knees, will diminish due to the blunt impact of a heel strike. The sensation of the heel strike can be described as ‘heavy-footed’.”

What are the potential harms of heel strikes for Shod runners?

An online article “It’s Toe Clever: The New Topo Running Hoof Shoe” by Dr. Katherine Lai. Lai states that there are harms for Shod runners if they eventually continue using hell strikes when running.

Potential Harms of Shod Running according to Lai

  • §  Running shoes result in heel first landing 75-80%
  • §  Heel-ground collision happens roughly 1000 times per mile run
  • §  Overall energy expended while running with shoes and heel striking is increased by 4%
  • §  The initial impact of heel striking is 3 times the body weight
  • §  Achilles tendon blowouts have increased 10% since the 1970’s when wearing running shoes
§  Running shoes have been proven to cause additional:
                                                54% hip rotation torque
                                                36% knee flexion torque
                                                38% knee varus torque

B.      Barefoot running and Forefoot strike

                       Image 2.1 Forefoot strike
forefoot bare.jpg
                                                   Image 2.2 Forefoot strike: Barefoot             
forefoot racing flats.jpg
                                                    Image 2.3 Forefoot strike: Running flats
forefoot running shoes.jpg
                                                     Image 2.4 Forefoot strike: Running shoes

Images from:
The images show minimal to zero impact of forefoot strike while running in barefoot, with running flats and running shoes. Comparing these images to Heel striking, the images shows that forefoot striking is much better and can reduce injuries due to the less impact to the ground when running.  Even if running with running shoes (Image 2.4), fore foot strike lessen the impact and are more suitable when running.

                Barefoot runners apply all kind of Foot strikes but mostly use Forefoot strikes when running

In the article “Barefoot Runners & Forefoot and Midfoot Striking” of Daniel Lieberman et al, he indicates that,

“Habitual barefoot runners use all kinds of landings, but predominantly forefoot strike, even when going downhill.” 
As a conclusion, Lieberman et al states that Forefoot striking was the most frequent foot strike used in Barefoot running.

“Our hypothesis is that until recently most humans had much more varied gaits; sometimes they landed on their heel, but more often they were mid foot or forefoot striking. We suspect that forefoot striking was most common.”
Source: (

This shows that even barefoot runners can heel strike when running but these runners mainly use forefoot strike as their preference due to the minimal to zero impact when running.

Running barefoot or with minimalist foot wear: Why is it good?

In the article “If You Must Run with Scissors” written by James Rat, Rat supports Barefoot running that uses Forefoot strikes when running.

Rat wrote:

“Landing on the front of the foot allows your legs to be supported like a hydraulic system as the knee and ankle joints flex simultaneously so that your heel barely touches ground, avoiding high impact. The sensation can be described as ‘light-footed’ or ‘cat-footed.’”

There are potential benefits of Barefoot running as well as potential harms. Most of the benefits can outweigh the harms and can provide a healthier and efficient run for the runners.

The online article “The Pros and Cons of Barefoot Running: What the Research Says” written by Tom Kelso list the potential benefits and harms of Barefoot running.

                Potential Benefits of Barefoot running
·         May strengthen the muscles, tendons and ligaments of the foot and allow one to develop a more natural gait.

·         By removing the heel lift in most shoes, it will help stretch and strengthen the Achilles tendon and calf muscle which may reduce injuries, such as calf strains or Achilles tendinitis.

·         Runners will learn to land on the forefoot rather than the heel. The heel strike during running was developed due to the excessive padding of running shoes, but research shows this isn't the most effective natural running stride. Landing on the heel causes unnecessary braking on every stride. The most efficient runners land on the mid-foot and keep their strides smooth and fluid. Landing on the forefoot also allows your arches to act as natural shock absorbers.

·         It may improve balance and proprioception. Going barefoot activates the smaller muscles in the feet, ankles, legs, and hips that are responsible for better balance and coordination.

·         Running barefoot helps one improve balance, but it also helps them stay grounded and connected with your environment. A person can learn to spread their toes and expand the foot while it becomes a more solid and connected base that supports all movements.
                Potential Harms of Barefoot running
·         Going barefoot or wearing a minimal shoe can be quite a shock to the foot and require a slow adaptation phase. But that isn't the only concern about a shoeless workout.

·         If you have no existing issues and no pain, do you really need to change anything?

·         Running shod offers more protection from ground debris such as glass, nails, rocks, and thorns. Shoes also offer insulation in cold weather and protect the feet from frostbite in ice and snow.

·         Because most runners are not used to going barefoot, unshod or a minimalist shoe will be a shock to the feet and thus muscles will initially feel overworked. In some people, this could lead to injuries such as Achilles tendonitis or calf strain when the conventional heel lift is removed from the shoes.

·         The plantar surface (bottom) of the feet is normally soft and tender in most people. Eschewing a stiff-soled shoe may initially cause plantar pain - or in those more fragile - increase the risk of plantar fasciitis.

·         It is inevitable that almost everyone who switches to barefoot or a minimal shoe or starts going shoeless will find themselves dealing with blisters for the first few weeks until calluses are formed.          

C.      Mid Foot Strike

Mid foot strike is a combination of Heel strike and forefoot strike, it occurs when runners land simultaneously on the ball of the feet and the heel.

Mid Foot strike can cause or reduce injuries depending on where the impact of the foot distributes the force.

A Note on Midfoot Strikes” is an article by Lieberman et al that focuses in Mid Foot strikes. In this article, Lieberman states that Mid Foot strike can cause and reduce the risks of injuries while running.

“Depending on where the center of pressure is at impact and how stiff the ankle and knee are during impact. One can land softly in a mid foot strike without much impact transient, but some mid foot strikes can generate impact transients like those of heel strikes. However, these forces are distributed over larger surfaces areas, reducing the stress on the foot.”

 Source: (

                Does Foot Strikes Matter?

The knowledge and awareness in which foot strike a runner uses when running can help the runner reduce the transient impact to the ground.  Foot strikes can cause or reduce injuries to the runner. For that Foot strikes does really matter for the runners.

In the article “Why do Different Foot Strikes Matter?” written by Lieberman et al, the article differentiate the Heel strike from Forefoot strike.

“In heel striking, the collision of the heel with the ground generates a significant impact transient, a nearly instantaneous, large force. This force sends a shock wave up through the body via the skeletal system. In forefoot striking, the collision of the forefoot with the ground generates a very minimal impact force with no impact transient.”

Forefoot strike is the better way to run, Barefoot running mostly use Forefoot strikes therefore it is much better than Shod Running that uses Heel strikes.

Lieberman et al wrote:

“Therefore, quite simply, a runner can avoid experiencing the large impact force by forefoot striking properly.”

Source: (

Transition to Forefoot strike and or Mid foot strike
With the knowledge that Fore foot strike is better from Heel strike, can the transition from heel strike to forefoot strike be trouble free?
The transition will not be easy, the runners who wish to switch running styles requires a lot of patience.  With patience, practice and discipline the transition will be easier.
The feet of the runner is not accustom to the increase usage of the lower body, the runner becomes dependent of what he is usually doing, shod running.
To enable to shift to forefoot or mid foot strike, the runner will need to strengthen the muscles in the feet. Expect soreness in the feet and stiff lower body, this is normal and eventually the runner will become adapt and the soreness will be gone.
There is a list of tips that can help the transition be easier to accomplish. These tips were written by Daniel Lieberman et al from the online article “Tips on Transitioning to Forefoot or Mid foot Striking”
This is the list of Lieberman et al:
·         Build up slowly! If you vigorously work out any weak muscles in your body, they will be sore and stiff. Your foot and calf muscles will be no exception. So please, don’t overdo it because you will probably injure yourself if you do too much too soon.
·         Start by walking around barefoot frequently.
·         First week: no more than a quarter mile to one mile every other day.
·         Increase your distance by no more than 10% per week. This is not a hard and fast rule, but a general guide. If your muscles remain sore, do not increase your training. Take an extra day off or maintain your distance for another week.
·         Stop and let your body heal if you experience pain. Sore, tired muscles are normal, but bone, joint, or soft-tissue pain is a signal of injury.
·         Be patient and build gradually. It takes months to make the transition.
·         If you are currently running a lot, you don’t need to drastically reduce your mileage. Instead, supplement forefoot or mid foot striking with running the way that you normally ran before beginning the transition. Over the course of several months, gradually increase the proportion of forefoot or mid foot striking and reduce the proportion of running in your old style. Use the same 10% per week guideline in increasing the amount of running you do forefoot striking.
·         It is essential to stretch your calves and hamstrings carefully and regularly as you make the transition. Massage your calf muscles and arches frequently to break down scar tissue. This will help your muscles to heal and get stronger.
·         Listen to your feet. Stop if your arches are hurting, if the top of your foot is hurting, or if anything else hurts! Sometimes arch and foot pain occurs from landing with your feet too far forward relative to your hips and having to point your toes too much. It can also occur from landing with too rigid a foot and not letting your heel drop gently.
·         Many people who run very slowly find that forefoot striking actually makes them run a little faster.
With this tips the transitioning can be fulfilled easier. Patience and discipline is the key to success in switching foot strikes and eventually the runner can absorb the benefit after the long wait.
 Like what Lieberman says:
Don’t overdo it because you will probably injure yourself if you do too much too soon.”
Source: (
Considering Barefoot Running
There are ongoing arguments about why people must run in barefoot rather using conventional running shoes.

Does anybody must consider running barefoot or with minimal foot wear?

In the article “The Barefoot Trend: Professional Runners Race Toward Minimalist Shoes” written by Dr. Katherine Lai, the article list the points to considers by the advocates of Barefoot running.

Lai presented these points to consider:

·         We evolved without shoes because of this, shoes only serve to alter our natural gait. Runners should ditch those bulky, cushioned trainers for the bare minimum: shoes that will protect the soles without altering the foot’s natural contact with the ground.
·         Since you were a baby, you’ve worn shoes. You might remember your first Nike or Adidas; a nice thick sole with padding up to the base of the ankle. In a few remote parts of the world, though, nobody ever wears shoes and evidence shows that they’re in much better shape because of it.
·         Running in running shoes exerts more strains on joints than walking in high-heeled shoes
·         9 out of 10 runners sustain injuries while training for marathons when using bulky running shoes.
·         Barefoot runners (or runners who wear minimalist shoes) don’t seem to get injured more often. In fact, though the science is still inconclusive, there does seem to be some protective benefit to running this way. As the foot feels the ground, the body adjusts to the contour of the surface. Foot, calf, and thigh muscles grow accustomed to these constant minute adjustments. They get stronger. As we know, stronger lower body muscles often correlate with fewer injuries, especially injuries like stress fractures and twisted ankles.

                Barefoot Running and Minimalist Running: The Lighter the Better!
According to the Runner’s World article “Barefoot Running” written by David Willey,
“Studies have proven that less weight on your feet will improve your running efficiency and decrease your time.”
Running shoes weigh more and as the study states that the more weight in the shoes, the more it can affect the runner.
 Willey states that:
“Research has also shown that barefoot running forces the foot to impact the ground differently. Running shoes typically make runners strike the ground with their heel first, whereas barefoot running changes the gait to a forefoot strike.”
This means, barefoot running can lessen the impact or getting injured due to forefoot strike. Forefoot strikes are more natural to runners and can achieve in barefoot running and minimalist running.

Most runners tend to hesitate in the transition to Barefoot Running due to the lack of protection from potential hazards or foreign materials in the running field that can cause unexpected injuries and blisters.
For the runners who wish to run almost barefoot there is an alternative way by the means of Minimalist running that uses minimal footwear in running that offers the closest experience like running bare.
Willey states an alternative to running barefoot who wants protection:
“Minimal running shoes are an alternative for runners who want to try barefoot running but also want to protect their feet from dirt, water, rocks and other roads hazards. The barely-there nature of the shoes put little between you and the ground, imitating barefoot running so you don't have to put your vulnerable soles at risk.”

                Source: (

                Does choosing the appropriate running shoes affect the performance of the runner?
Choosing the preferred running shoes plays a huge role in the overall efficiency of the runner. Conventional running shoes are bulky and are more susceptible to injuries. The barefoot and minimalist running shoes offer thin soled running flats that offer protection but do not have padded cushions in the heel and ankle area.

Yitka Winn write the article “Barefoot/Minimalist Running Shoes: How to Choose”. This article will assist in finding the right minimalist shoes for running.

According to Winn there are two types of Minimalist shoes:  Barefoot running shoes and Minimalist running shoes.

·         Barefoot Running Shoes offer the closest feel to running truly barefoot. Soles provide the bare minimum in protection from potential hazards on the ground. Many have no cushion in the heel pad and a very thin layer of shoe between your skin and the ground.

·         Minimalist Running Shoes are a cross between barefoot shoes and traditional running shoes—an excellent way for many runners to ease into barefoot running. These are Spartan enough—extremely lightweight construction, little to no arch support and a minimal heel height of 4-8mm—to encourage a natural running motion and a midfoot strike, yet they offer some cushioning and flex. The toebox is generally roomy to allow toes to splay inside the shoes, enhancing grip and balance.

At the present, major shoe companies adapts their design and technology to Barefoot running or Minimalist running. These companies adapt the light weight and minimal sole that replicate running barefoot. In the popularity of Barefoot running and minimalist shoes, companies consider protection with minimal pads, thinner soles and less weight to simulate the sensation of running barefoot.

Winn stated that:
“Following the boom of barefoot runners, running shoe companies such as Nike, New Balance, Saucony and most notably, Vibram with the FiveFingers shoe, began making minimal shoes.”

Making a Stand for Barefoot running
With the rising popularity of Barefoot running and minimalist running and with the potential benefits it can provide the runners backed up by online articles written by experts, it can be said that Barefoot running is the much better way to run.

Barefoot running can provide increase efficiency and reduce injuries due to the minimal impact when hitting the ground. At first, Barefoot running can be tremendously hard especially if the runner is not well prepared or does not know what to expect when running barefoot or with minimal footwear, but with proper mind set and training the runner can improve the efficiency of his or her run. Studies show that barefoot running can decrease the impact of injuries as well as reduce the risk of getting injured.

It is best for other conventional runners to partake and try Barefoot running or use minimal footwear in running. It can be an alternative program and training for runners and eventually these runners can realize the improved results and effectiveness of running barefoot or with minimal foot wear.

Barefoot running shoes and Minimalist running shoes provide protection to the runner’s foot. Unlike the conventional and bulkier running shoes, the barefoot and minimalist running shoes offers the best way to run using forefoot strikes and mid foot strikes in which can help the runners to run effectively.

Major shoe companies  are making minimalist shoes to cater the growing number of barefoot runners worldwide, this means that the potential of barefoot running and minimalist running shoes truly help athletes as well as casual runners. The more minimal the shoes the better because it truly incorporate and simulate the essence of running barefoot.

Documents show that Barefoot running is used by winning athletes in the past and up to the present. It is not late to try and learn to run barefoot or with minimalist foot wear.  This will ensure competent results that can change the efficiency of the runner.

                Chapter 3
Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

A.    Summary
This research paper attempted to introduce and give an overview about Barefoot running and its potential benefits and harms. 

This research paper uses descriptive research method where the information in this research can respond to the question posted.

The research results are the following:
1.       Barefoot running is gaining popularity across the runners all over the world. Knowledge about the benefits of Barefoot running can improve the awareness of other runners.
2.       Foot strikes is a vital part of Barefoot running, with proper foot strikes injuries can be reduced and improve the results of the run more efficiently.
3.       Not all runners are suitable in Barefoot running, but with enough preparation and willingness it is not impossible to switch in barefoot running.
4.       Without proper knowledge and preparation, Barefoot running can be difficult to learn and may lead to unwanted injuries.
5.       Barefoot running is a great alternative program or training for those conventional runners. Studies show that when running barefoot a runner can run faster with minimal effort.
6.       Barefoot is the more suitable or if not, the best way to run due to its potential benefits.

B.    Conclusions

Based on the finding of this research paper, the following conclusions are drawn:
1.       Barefoot running provides benefits in the biomechanics of the body, reduces the chance of  injuries and offer improvements in running efficiency. The benefits of Barefoot running outweighs its harms and it is more suitable running method.
2.       Barefoot running can improve the overall efficiency of the runner and can provide better effectiveness during runs with minimal effort.
3.       Not all runners can switch to Barefoot running and entirely remove the use of running shoes. Minimalist shoes can be use to compensate the lack of protection when running barefoot.

C.     Recommendations

Based on the conclusions of the research, the researcher hereby makes the following suggestions and recommendations:

1.       Runners and athletes must take in consideration the benefits of Barefoot running and hopefully try this kind of method in running. With the given benefits, runners and athletes can improve the efficiency of their training with minimal effort and may help them reduce or avoid injuries. If ever they do not want to eliminate wearing running shoes, they can try the minimalist approach and use minimalist running shoes as an alternative.
2.       Running instructors and P.E. teacher should design and incorporate Barefoot running to their running programs. The knowledge and awareness these people can give can provide future runners alternative methods in running. They can also educate runners about the benefits of Barefoot running and that it can provide positive results in running.
3.       For the future runners,  familiarity with Barefoot running and minimalist running can help them choose a better running techniques in which can help them in the future. Barefoot running at first can be difficult to learn but with patience and understanding the do’s and don’ts can provide them satisfying results.

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